Thursday, July 19, 2012

VISA time

Gotta love LA traffic.

So I left Tuesday morning to get my VISA at 5:30 am... after sitting in traffic till about 7:30 I finally got to LA. 

Thank god for the iphone googlemap.... my life is forever changed. Anyways, I went around to about 5 different places trying to get a money order (mind you I had never even heard or seen one before that).. Finally had success after pulling $ out of the bank and going to 711. (only to find out that I didn't get my money order for enough $) 
I got to the Thai consulet- alone... Brooke slept in ;) but she actually got there just in time. 
Smart car in the meter with 45 minutes... I went up to the application line confident that I had everything ready to go! 
Of course, I was wrong.... I guess a 2x2 passport picture isn't a 2x2 facebook picture. 
"We don't take party pictures"- The thai woman working the desk. 
So I had to go across the street to get a passport picture and an additional money order. 
I look like a chipmonk in my picture. Brooke looks like a hippy. It's great. 
$100 down and we are broke before we even get to thailand-WAHOOO. 
FINALLY...I get my receipt that says "Visa approved, Please come back tomorrow between the hours of 10:30-12:30 to pick it up."
Ya I know what your thinking... or what I was thinking: YA RIGHT am I sitting in that traffic again. 
So we go across the street to the passport place to get the envelop to mail..
and guess who I see next to my car: PARKING PATROL LADY... 
walking away from my windsheld-SMART CAR.... (which is technically half a car) and I was running across the street: 

She jumped in her car and took off. 
Thats what I get for giving Brooke my last 2 quarters :) Karmas a Bitch.. (Just kidding)

7 Hours later, $100 down, A parking Ticket and a fat stack of Tourist brochures.... I somehow let the smile overturn the road rage.  

Today, I got 16 days left until my world turns upside down and right side up.

excited. nervous. optomistic. clueless. overwhelmed. happy.

Now I am off to TKB camp for the next 3 days. Can't wait to stock up on my workout clothes before I leave :)

-Over and out. Chrissy.

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